Starting all over again

in 2015 I’ve got an MBA from a top-tier business school and now I live in Paris with my husband and two kids. We’re not French, but we have been living in France for a while now, we all do speak French fluently and eventually we had got French citizenship.

This blog will be about our personal way to balance both careers and family life, « having it all », thoughts about our identity, personal development, raising multilingual kids, dealing with French culture and achieving financial independence as well as my personal self-reflection about my MBA experience and its impact on my career and on my life.

Welcome! I hope you will find something useful for yourself.

paris lomography from July & August

Эту пленку я банально потеряла. Вернее потеряла квиточек. И вот вчера у меня кончилась надежда сосканировать все снятое в Аргентине самой и я отнесла пленки в лабу, а еще раньше во время генеральной уборки нашелся квиток и я решила попытать счастья. Счастье оказалось относительное, так как пленка большей частью пересвечена. Хотя на хольгу и рекомендуют ставить пленку почувствительнее: 400 для улицы и 800 для дома, по моему опыту для улицы сотка – это за глаза.

На картинках – мое приобщение к клубу Nespresso и просто пара кадров “из жизни”.

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Horse subject became rather usual for me

It was a rather questy task indeed to find a staple in some tourist locations in Cordoba. The one we found contained 300 horses (caballos) and about 200 ha of pampa where horses live in spring, summer and automn. The owners used to train horses for polo game, so to ride a horse I should have learned how to ride with only  one hand. Finally it was much easier than with two. And I learned how to trot!!!


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